
This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook that can be accessed here.

Data clustering#

In this tutorial, we present the clustering functionalities from the preprocess module.

We import the necessary modules:

from PCAfold import preprocess
from PCAfold import reduction
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

and we set some initial parameters:

x_label = '$x$'
y_label = '$y$'
z_label = '$z$'
figure_size = (6,3)
color_map = ListedColormap(['#0e7da7', '#ceca70', '#b45050', '#2d2d54'])
save_filename = None
random_seed = 200

Visualize the clustering result in 2D#

We begin by demonstrating how the result of clustering can be visualized using the plotting functionalities from the preprocess module.

We generate a synthetic 2D data set composed of two distinct clouds:


n_observations = 1000

mean_1 = [0,1]
mean_2 = [6,4]
covariance_1 = [[2, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]]
covariance_2 = [[3, 0.3], [0.3, 0.5]]

x_1, y_1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_1, covariance_1, n_observations).T
x_2, y_2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_2, covariance_2, n_observations).T
x = np.concatenate([x_1, x_2])
y = np.concatenate([y_1, y_2])

The original data set can be visualized using the function from the reduction module:

plt = reduction.plot_2d_manifold(x, y, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, figure_size=figure_size, save_filename=None)

We divide the data into two clusters using the K-Means algorithm:

idx_kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(np.hstack((x, y))).labels_

As soon as the idx vector of cluster classification is known for the data set, the result of clustering can be visualized using the plot_2d_clustering function.

We plot the result of K-Means clustering on the 2D data set:

plt = preprocess.plot_2d_clustering(x, y, idx_kmeans, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, color_map=color_map, first_cluster_index_zero=False, figure_size=figure_size, save_filename=None)

Note, that the numbers in the legend, next to each cluster number, represent the number of samples in a particular cluster. The populations of each cluster can also be computed and printed, for instance through:


which in this case will print:

[991, 1009]

Visualize the clustering result in 3D#

Clustering result can also be visualized in a three-dimensional space. In this example, we generate a synthetic 3D data set composed of three connected planes:

n_observations = 50

x = np.tile(np.linspace(0,50,n_observations), n_observations)
y = np.zeros((n_observations,1))
z = np.zeros((n_observations*n_observations,1))

for i in range(1,n_observations):
    y = np.vstack((y, np.ones((n_observations,1))*i))
y = y.ravel()

for observation, x_value in enumerate(x):

    y_value = y[observation]

    if x_value <= 10:
        z[observation] = 2 * x_value + y_value
    elif x_value > 10 and x_value <= 35:
        z[observation] = 10 * x_value + y_value - 80
    elif x_value > 35:
        z[observation] = 5 * x_value + y_value + 95

(x, _, _) = preprocess.center_scale(x[:,None], scaling='0to1')
(y, _, _) = preprocess.center_scale(y[:,None], scaling='0to1')
(z, _, _) = preprocess.center_scale(z, scaling='0to1')

The original data set can be visualized using the function from the reduction module:

plt = reduction.plot_3d_manifold(x, y, z, elev=30, azim=-100, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, z_label=z_label, figure_size=(12,8), save_filename=None)

We divide the data into four clusters using the K-Means algorithm:

idx_kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4).fit(np.hstack((x, y, z))).labels_

The result of K-Means clustering can then be plotted in 3D:

plt = preprocess.plot_3d_clustering(x, y, z, idx_kmeans, elev=30, azim=-100, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, z_label=z_label, color_map=color_map, first_cluster_index_zero=False, figure_size=(12,8), save_filename=None)

Clustering based on binning a single variable#

In this section, we demonstrate a few clustering functions that are implemented in PCAfold. All of them cluster data sets based on binning a single variable.

First, we generate a synthetic two-dimensional data set:

x = np.linspace(-1,1,100)
y = -x**2 + 1

The data set can be visualized using the function from the reduction module:

plt = reduction.plot_2d_manifold(x, y, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, figure_size=figure_size, save_filename=None)

We will now cluster the 2D data set according to bins of a single variable, \(x\).

Cluster into equal variable bins#


This clustering will divide the data set based on equal bins of a variable vector.

(idx_variable_bins, borders_variable_bins) = preprocess.variable_bins(x, 4, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on clustering:

Border values for bins:
[-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]

Bounds for cluster 0:
      -1.0, -0.5152
Bounds for cluster 1:
      -0.4949, -0.0101
Bounds for cluster 2:
      0.0101, 0.4949
Bounds for cluster 3:
      0.5152, 1.0

The result of clustering can be plotted in 2D:

plt = preprocess.plot_2d_clusteringplt = preprocess.plot_2d_clustering(x, y, idx_variable_bins, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, color_map=color_map, first_cluster_index_zero=False, grid_on=True, figure_size=figure_size, save_filename=None)

The visual result of this clustering can be seen below:


Note that this clustering function created four equal bins in the space of \(x\). In this case, since \(x\) ranges from -1 to 1, the bins are created as intervals of length 0.5 in the \(x\)-space.

Cluster into pre-defined variable bins#


This clustering will divide the data set into bins of a one-dimensional variable vector whose borders are specified by the user. Let’s specify the split values as split_values = [-0.6, 0.4, 0.8]:

split_values = [-0.6, 0.4, 0.8]
(idx_predefined_variable_bins, borders_predefined_variable_bins) = preprocess.predefined_variable_bins(x, split_values, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on clustering:

Border values for bins:
[-1.0, -0.6, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0]

Bounds for cluster 0:
      -1.0, -0.6162
Bounds for cluster 1:
      -0.596, 0.3939
Bounds for cluster 2:
      0.4141, 0.798
Bounds for cluster 3:
      0.8182, 1.0

The visual result of this clustering can be seen below:


This clustering function created four bins in the space of \(x\), where the splits in the \(x\)-space are located at \(x=-0.6\), \(x=0.4\) and \(x=0.8\).

Cluster into zero-neighborhood variable bins#

This partitioning relies on unbalanced variable vector which, in principle, is assumed to have a lot of observations whose values are close to zero and relatively few observations with values away from zero. This function can be used to separate close-to-zero observations into one cluster (split_at_zero=False) or two clusters (split_at_zero=True).

Without splitting at zero, split_at_zero=False#

(idx_zero_neighborhood_bins, borders_zero_neighborhood_bins) = preprocess.zero_neighborhood_bins(x, 3, zero_offset_percentage=10, split_at_zero=False, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on clustering:

Border values for bins:
[-1.  -0.2  0.2  1. ]

Bounds for cluster 0:
      -1.0, -0.2121
Bounds for cluster 1:
      -0.1919, 0.1919
Bounds for cluster 2:
      0.2121, 1.0

The visual result of this clustering can be seen below:


We note that the observations corresponding to \(x \approx 0\) have been classified into one cluster (\(k_2\)).

With splitting at zero, split_at_zero=True#

(idx_zero_neighborhood_bins_split_at_zero, borders_zero_neighborhood_bins_split_at_zero) = preprocess.zero_neighborhood_bins(x, 4, zero_offset_percentage=10, split_at_zero=True, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on clustering:

Border values for bins:
[-1.  -0.2  0.   0.2  1. ]

Bounds for cluster 0:
-1.0, -0.2121
Bounds for cluster 1:
-0.1919, -0.0101
Bounds for cluster 2:
0.0101, 0.1919
Bounds for cluster 3:
0.2121, 1.0

The visual result of this clustering can be seen below:


We note that the observations corresponding to \(x \approx 0^{-}\) have been classified into one cluster (\(k_2\)) and the observations corresponding to \(x \approx 0^{+}\) have been classified into another cluster (\(k_3\)).

Clustering combustion data sets#

In this section, we present functions that are specifically aimed for clustering reactive flows data sets. We will use a data set representing combustion of syngas in air, generated from the steady laminar flamelet model using Spitfire software [CHan20] and a chemical mechanism by Hawkes et al. [CHSSC07].

We import the flamelet data set:

X = np.genfromtxt('data-state-space.csv', delimiter=',')
S_X = np.genfromtxt('data-state-space-sources.csv', delimiter=',')
mixture_fraction = np.genfromtxt('data-mixture-fraction.csv', delimiter=',')

Cluster into bins of the mixture fraction vector#


In this example, we partition the data set into five bins of the mixture fraction vector. This is a feasible clustering strategy for non-premixed flames which takes advantage of the physics-based (supervised) partitioning of the data set based on local stoichiometry. The partitioning function requires specifying the value for the stoichiometric mixture fraction, \(Z_{st}\) (Z_stoich). Note that the first split in the data set is performed at \(Z_{st}\) and further splits are performed automatically on the fuel-lean and the fuel-rich branch.

Z_stoich = 0.273
(idx_mixture_fraction_bins, borders_mixture_fraction_bins) = preprocess.mixture_fraction_bins(mixture_fraction, 5, Z_stoich, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on clustering:

Border values for bins:
[0.         0.1365     0.273      0.51533333 0.75766667 1.        ]

Bounds for cluster 0:
      0.0, 0.1313
Bounds for cluster 1:
      0.1414, 0.2727
Bounds for cluster 2:
      0.2828, 0.5152
Bounds for cluster 3:
      0.5253, 0.7576
Bounds for cluster 4:
      0.7677, 1.0

The visual result of this clustering can be seen below:


It can be seen that the data set is divided at the stoichiometric value of mixture fraction, in this case \(Z_{st} \approx 0.273\). The fuel-lean branch (the part of the flamelet to the left of \(Z_{st}\)) is divided into two clusters (\(k_1\) and \(k_2\)) and the fuel-rich branch (the part of the flamelet to the right of \(Z_{st}\)) is divided into three clusters (\(k_3\), \(k_4\) and \(k_5\)), since this branch has a longer range in the mixture fraction space.

Separating close-to-zero principal component source terms#

The function zero_neighborhood_bins can be used to separate close-to-zero source terms of the original variables (or close-to-zero source terms of the principal components (PCs)). The zero source terms physically correspond to the steady-state.

We first compute the source terms of the principal components by transforming the source terms of the original variables to the new PC-basis:

pca_X = reduction.PCA(X, scaling='auto', n_components=2)
S_Z = pca_X.transform(S_X, nocenter=True)

and we use the first PC source term, \(S_{Z,1}\), as the conditioning variable for the clustering function:

(idx_close_to_zero_source_terms, borders_close_to_zero_source_terms) = preprocess.zero_neighborhood_bins(S_Z[:,0], 4, zero_offset_percentage=5, split_at_zero=True, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on clustering:

Border values for bins:
[-87229.83051401  -5718.91469641      0.           5718.91469641

Bounds for cluster 0:
      -87229.8305, -5722.1432
Bounds for cluster 1:
      -5717.5228, -0.0
Bounds for cluster 2:
      0.0, 5705.7159
Bounds for cluster 3:
      5719.0347, 27148.4634

The visual result of this clustering can be seen below:


From the verbose information, we can see that the first cluster (\(k_1\)) contains observations corresponding to the highly negative values of \(S_{Z,1}\), the second cluster (\(k_2\)) to the close-to-zero but negative values of \(S_{Z,1}\), the third cluster (\(k_3\)) to the close-to-zero but positive values of \(S_{Z,1}\) and the fourth cluster (\(k_4\)) to the highly positive values of \(S_{Z,1}\).

We can further merge the two clusters that contain observations corresponding to the high magnitudes of \(S_{Z, 1}\) into one cluster. This can be achieved using the function flip_clusters. We change the label of the fourth cluster to 0 and thus all observations from the fourth cluster are now assigned to the first cluster.

idx_merged = preprocess.flip_clusters(idx_close_to_zero_source_terms, {3:0})

The visual result of this merged clustering can be seen below:


If we further plot the two-dimensional flamelet manifold, colored by \(S_{Z, 1}\), we can check that the clustering technique correctly identified the regions on the manifold where \(S_{Z, 1} \approx 0\) as well as the regions where \(S_{Z, 1}\) has high positive or high negative magnitudes.




Michael Alan Hansen. Spitfire. National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS), 2020. URL:


Evatt R Hawkes, Ramanan Sankaran, James C Sutherland, and Jacqueline H Chen. Scalar mixing in direct numerical simulations of temporally evolving plane jet flames with skeletal co/h2 kinetics. Proceedings of the combustion institute, 31(1):1633–1640, 2007.