
Low-dimensional PCA-derived manifolds and everything in between!

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PCAfold is an open-source Python library for generating, analyzing and improving low-dimensional manifolds. It incorporates a variety of data preprocessing tools (including data clustering and sampling), implements several dimensionality reduction strategies and utilizes novel approaches to assess the quality of the obtained low-dimensional manifolds. The latest software version introduces algorithms to optimize projection topologies based on quantities of interest (QoIs) and novel tools to reconstruct QoIs from the low-dimensional data representations using partition of unity networks (POUnets).

A general overview for using PCAfold modules is presented in the diagram below:


Each module’s functionalities can also be used as a standalone tool for performing a specific task and can easily combine with techniques outside of this software.

Reach out to the Getting started section for more information on installing the software and for possible workflows that can be achieved with PCAfold. You can also download the poster below for a condensed overview of the available functionalities.


Citing PCAfold#

PCAfold is published in the SoftwareX journal. If you use PCAfold in a scientific publication, you can cite the software as:

Zdybał, K., Armstrong, E., Parente, A. and Sutherland, J.C., 2020. PCAfold: Python software to generate, analyze and improve PCA-derived low-dimensional manifolds. SoftwareX, 12, p.100630.

or using BibTeX:

title = "PCAfold: Python software to generate, analyze and improve PCA-derived low-dimensional manifolds",
journal = "SoftwareX",
volume = "12",
pages = "100630",
year = "2020",
issn = "2352-7110",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2020.100630",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711020303435",
author = "Kamila Zdybał and Elizabeth Armstrong and Alessandro Parente and James C. Sutherland"

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