
This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook that can be accessed here.


In this tutorial, we present data manipulation functionalities of the preprocess module. To import the module:

from PCAfold import preprocess

Centering, scaling and constant variable removal#

We begin by generating a dummy data set:

import numpy as np

X = np.random.rand(100,20)

Several popular scaling options have been implemented such as Auto (std), Range, VAST or Pareto. Centering and scaling of data sets can be performed using preprocess.center_scale function:

(X_cs, X_center, X_scale) = preprocess.center_scale(X, 'range', nocenter=False)

To invert the centering and scaling using the current centers and scales preprocess.invert_center_scale function can be used:

X = preprocess.invert_center_scale(X_cs, X_center, X_scale)

If constant variables are present in the data set, they can be removed using preprocess.remove_constant_vars function which can be a useful pre-processing before PCA is applied on a data set. If an artificial constant column is injected:

X[:,5] = np.ones((100,))

it can be removed by:

(X_removed, idx_removed, idx_retained) = preprocess.remove_constant_vars(X)

In addition to that, an object of the PreProcessing class can be created and used to store the combination of the above pre-processing:

preprocessed = preprocess.PreProcessing(X, 'range', nocenter=False)

Centered and scaled data set can then be accessed as class attribute:


as well as centers and scales:


Conditional statistics#

In this section, we demonstrate how conditional statistics can be computed and plotted for the original data set. A data set representing combustion of syngas in air generated from steady laminar flamelet model using Spitfire software [CHan20] and a chemical mechanism by Hawkes et al. [CHSSC07] is used as a demo data set. We begin by importing the data set composed of the original state space variables, \(\mathbf{X}\), and the corresponding mixture fraction observations, \(Z\), that will serve as the conditioning variable:

X = np.genfromtxt('data-state-space.csv', delimiter=',')
Z = np.genfromtxt('data-mixture-fraction.csv', delimiter=',')

First, we create an object of the ConditionalStatistics class. We condition the entire data set \(\mathbf{X}\), using the mixture fraction as a conditioning variable. We compute the conditional stastics in 20 bins of the conditioning variable:

cond = preprocess.ConditionalStatistics(X, Z, k=20)

We can then retrieve the centroids of the bins for which the conditional statistics have been computed:


and retrieve different conditional statistics. For instance, the conditional mean can be accessed through:

conditional_mean = cond.conditional_mean

The conditional statistics can also be ploted using a dedicated function:

plt = preprocess.plot_conditional_statistics(X[:,0], Z, k=20, x_label='Mixture fraction [-]', y_label='$T$ [K]', color='#c0c0c0', statistics_to_plot=['mean', 'max', 'min'], figure_size=(10,4), save_filename=save_filename)

Note, that the original data set that is plotted in the backround can be colored using any vector variable:

plt = preprocess.plot_conditional_statistics(X[:,0], Z, k=20, statistics_to_plot=['mean', 'max', 'min'], x_label='Mixture fraction [-]', y_label='$T$ [K]', color=X[:,2], color_map='inferno', colorbar_label='$Y_{O_2}$ [-]', figure_size=(12.5,4), save_filename=save_filename)

Multivariate outlier detection#

We first generate a synthetic data set with artificially appended outliers. This data set, with outliers visible as a cloud in the top right corner, can be seen below:


We will first detect outliers with 'MULTIVARIATE TRIMMING' method and we will demonstrate the effect of setting two levels of trimming_threshold.

We first set trimming_threshold=0.6:

(idx_outliers_removed, idx_outliers) = preprocess.outlier_detection(X, scaling='auto', detection_method='MULTIVARIATE TRIMMING', trimming_threshold=0.6, n_iterations=0, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some more information on outliers detected:

Number of observations classified as outliers: 20

We can visualize the observations that were classified as outliers using the preprocess.plot_2d_clustering, assuming that the cluster \(k_0\) (blue) will be observations with removed outliers and cluster \(k_1\) (red) will be the detected outliers.

We first create a dummy idx_new vector of cluster classifications based on idx_outliers obtained. This can for instance be done in the following way:

idx_new = np.zeros((n_observations,))
for i in range(0, n_observations):
  if i in idx_outliers:
      idx_new[i] = 1

where n_observations is the total number of observations in the data set.

The result of this detection can be seen below:


We then set the trimming_threshold=0.3 which will capture outliers earlier (at smaller Mahalanobis distances from the variables’ centroids).

(idx_outliers_removed, idx_outliers) = preprocess.outlier_detection(X, scaling='auto', detection_method='MULTIVARIATE TRIMMING', trimming_threshold=0.3, n_iterations=0, verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see some more information on outliers detected:

Number of observations classified as outliers: 180

The result of this detection can be seen below:


It can be seen that the algorithm started to pick up outlier observations at the perimeter of the original data set.

Kernel density weighting#

In this tutorial we reproduce results on a synthetic data set from the following paper:

Coussement, A., Gicquel, O., & Parente, A. (2012). Kernel density weighted principal component analysis of combustion processes. Combustion and flame, 159(9), 2844-2855.

We begin by generating the synthetic data set that has two distinct clouds with many observations and an intermediate region with few observations:

from PCAfold import KernelDensity
from PCAfold import PCA
from PCAfold import reduction
import numpy as np

n_observations = 2021
x1 = np.zeros((n_observations,1))
x2 = np.zeros((n_observations,1))

for i in range(0,n_observations):

  R = np.random.rand()

  if i <= 999:

      x1[i] = -1 + 20*R
      x2[i] = 5*x1[i] + 100*R

  if i >= 1000 and i <= 1020:

      x1[i] = 420 + 8*(i+1 - 1001)
      x2[i] = 5000/200 * (x1[i] - 400) + 500*R

  if i >= 1021 and i <= 2020:

      x1[i] = 1000 + 20*R
      x2[i] = 5*x1[i] + 100*R

X = np.hstack((x1, x2))

This data set can be seen below:


We perform PCA on the data set and approximate it with a single principal component:

pca = PCA(X, scaling='auto', n_components=1)
PCs = pca.transform(X)
X_rec = pca.reconstruct(PCs)

Using the reduction.plot_parity function we can visualize how each variable is reconstructed:

../_images/kernel-density-original-x1.svg ../_images/kernel-density-original-x2.svg

We thus note that PCA adjusts to reconstruct well the two regions with many observations and the intermediate region is not reconstructed well.

Single-variable case#

We will weight the data set using kernel density weighting method in order to give more importance to the intermediate region. Kernel density weighting can be performed by instantiating an object of the KernelDensity class. As the first variable we pass the entire centered and scaled data set and as a second variable we specify what should be the conditioning variable based on which weighting will be computed:

kernd_single = KernelDensity(pca.X_cs, pca.X_cs[:,0], verbose=True)

With verbose=True we will see which case is being run:

Single-variable case will be applied.

In general, whenever the conditioning variable is a single vector a single-variable case will be used.

We then obtain the weighted data set:

X_weighted_single = kernd_single.X_weighted

Weights \(\mathbf{W_c}\) used to scale the data set can be accessed as well:

weights_single = kernd_single.weights

We perform PCA on the weighted data set and we project the centered and scaled original data set onto the basis identified on X_weighted_single:

pca_single = PCA(X_weighted_single, 'none', n_components=1, nocenter=True)
PCs_single = pca_single.transform(pca.X_cs)

Reconstruction of that data set can be obtained:

X_rec_single = pca_single.reconstruct(PCs_single)
X_rec_single = (X_rec_single * pca.X_scale) + pca.X_center

We can now use reduction.plot_parity function to visualize the new reconstruction:

../_images/kernel-density-single-x1.svg ../_images/kernel-density-single-x2.svg

We note that this time the intermediate region got better represented in the PCA reconstruction.

Multi-variable case#

In a similar way, multi-variable case can be used by passing the entire two-dimensional data set as a conditioning variable:

kernd_multi = KernelDensity(pca.X_cs, pca.X_cs, verbose=True)

We then perform analogous steps to obtain the new reconstruction:

X_weighted_multi = kernd_multi.X_weighted
weights_multi = kernd_multi.weights

pca_multi = PCA(X_weighted_multi, 'none', n_components=1)
PCs_multi = pca_multi.transform(pca.X_cs)
X_rec_multi = pca_multi.reconstruct(PCs_multi)
X_rec_multi = (X_rec_multi * pca.X_scale) + pca.X_center

The result of this reconstruction can be seen below:

../_images/kernel-density-multi-x1.svg ../_images/kernel-density-multi-x2.svg



Michael Alan Hansen. Spitfire. National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS), 2020. URL:


Evatt R Hawkes, Ramanan Sankaran, James C Sutherland, and Jacqueline H Chen. Scalar mixing in direct numerical simulations of temporally evolving plane jet flames with skeletal co/h2 kinetics. Proceedings of the combustion institute, 31(1):1633–1640, 2007.