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Data sampling#

In this tutorial, we present how train and test samples can be selected using the sampling functionalities of the preprocess module. In general, train and test samples will always be some subset of the entire data set X:


We import the necessary modules:

from PCAfold import DataSampler
from PCAfold import preprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import numpy as np

and we set some initial parameters:

save_filename = None
color_map = ListedColormap(['#0e7da7', '#ceca70', '#b45050', '#2d2d54'])
first_cluster = False
figure_size = (5,5)
random_seed = 200

We generate a synthetic data set that is composed of four distinct clusters that have an imbalanced number of observations (100, 250, 400 and 500 - 1250 total number of observations):

N_1, N_2, N_3, N_4 = 100, 250, 400, 500
n_observations = N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + N_4
mean_k1, mean_k2, mean_k3, mean_k4 = [-3, 3], [3, 3], [-3, -3], [3, -3]
covariance = [[1, 0.2], [0.2, 1]]
x_k1, y_k1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_k1, covariance, N_1).T
x_k2, y_k2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_k2, covariance, N_2).T
x_k3, y_k3 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_k3, covariance, N_3).T
x_k4, y_k4 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_k4, covariance, N_4).T
x = np.vstack((x_k1[:,np.newaxis], x_k2[:,np.newaxis], x_k3[:,np.newaxis], x_k4[:,np.newaxis]))
y = np.vstack((y_k1[:,np.newaxis], y_k2[:,np.newaxis], y_k3[:,np.newaxis], y_k4[:,np.newaxis]))
idx = np.vstack((np.zeros((N_1, 1)), np.ones((N_2, 1)), 2*np.ones((N_3, 1)), 3*np.ones((N_4, 1)))).astype(int).ravel()
populations = preprocess.get_populations(idx)

We visualize the original data set:


The only information about the original data set that will be needed is the vector idx of cluster classifications.


Note that idx_train and idx_test, that are the outputs of the sampling functions in this module, have a different interpretation than idx. They are vectors containing observation indices, not cluster classifications. For instance, if train samples are composed of the first, second and tenth observation then idx_train=[0,1,9].

You can find which cluster each observation in idx_train (or idx_test) belongs to, for instance through:


You can also extract a subset of idx_train that are only the indices belonging to a particular cluster. For instance, for the first cluster you can extract them by:

train_indices_in_cluster_1 = [i for i in idx_train if idx[i,]==0]

for the second cluster:

train_indices_in_cluster_2 = [i for i in idx_train if idx[i,]==1]

and so on.

We start by initalizing an object of the DataSampler class. For the moment, we will set the parameter idx_test to an empty list, but we will demonstrate an example for setting that parameter to something else later. Note that we can set a fixed random seed if we want the sampling results to be reproducible. With verbose=True, we will additionally see some detailed information about the current sampling.

sample = DataSampler(idx, idx_test=None, random_seed=random_seed, verbose=True)

Sample a fixed number#

We first select a fixed number of samples using the DataSampler.number function. Let’s request 15% of the total data to be the train data. The function calculates that it needs to select 46 samples from each cluster, which amounts to 14.7% of the total number of samples in the data set. Whenever the exact percentage requested by the user cannot be achieved, the function always under-samples.


Select test data with test_selection_option=1#

There are always two ways in which the complementary test data can be selected. They can be selected using the test_selection_option parameter. We start with test_selection_option=1, which selects all remaining observations as the test data:

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.number(15, test_selection_option=1)

Setting verbose=True lets us see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 46 train samples out of 100 observations (46.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 46 train samples out of 250 observations (18.4%).
Cluster 2: taking 46 train samples out of 400 observations (11.5%).
Cluster 3: taking 46 train samples out of 500 observations (9.2%).

Cluster 0: taking 54 test samples out of 54 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 204 test samples out of 204 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 354 test samples out of 354 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 454 test samples out of 454 remaining observations (100.0%).

Selected 184 train samples (14.7%) and 1066 test samples (85.3%).

A dedicated plotting function from the preprocess module can be used to visualize the train and test samples. This function takes as inputs the obtained idx_train and idx_test vectors. Note that a custom colormap can be specified by the user.

plt = preprocess.plot_2d_train_test_samples(x, y, idx, idx_train, idx_test, color_map=color_map, first_cluster_index_zero=False, figure_size=(10,5), save_filename=None)

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Select test data with test_selection_option=2#

We then set test_selection_option=2 which selects a fixed number of test samples from each cluster, calculated based on the smallest cluster. This amounts to 54 test samples from each cluster.

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.number(15, test_selection_option=2)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 46 train samples out of 100 observations (46.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 46 train samples out of 250 observations (18.4%).
Cluster 2: taking 46 train samples out of 400 observations (11.5%).
Cluster 3: taking 46 train samples out of 500 observations (9.2%).

Cluster 0: taking 54 test samples out of 54 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 54 test samples out of 204 remaining observations (26.5%).
Cluster 2: taking 54 test samples out of 354 remaining observations (15.3%).
Cluster 3: taking 54 test samples out of 454 remaining observations (11.9%).

Selected 184 train samples (14.7%) and 216 test samples (17.3%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Sample a fixed percentage#

Next, we select a percentage of samples from each cluster using the DataSampler.percentage function. Let’s request 10% of the total data to be the train data - the function selects 10% of samples from each cluster.


Select test data with test_selection_option=1#

We start with test_selection_option=1, which selects all remaining observations as the test data:

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.percentage(10, test_selection_option=1)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 10 train samples out of 100 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 25 train samples out of 250 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 40 train samples out of 400 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 50 train samples out of 500 observations (10.0%).

Cluster 0: taking 90 test samples out of 90 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 225 test samples out of 225 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 360 test samples out of 360 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 450 test samples out of 450 remaining observations (100.0%).

Selected 125 train samples (10.0%) and 1125 test samples (90.0%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Select test data with test_selection_option=2#

We then set test_selection_option=2 which uses the same procedure to select the test data as was used to select the train data. In this case, it also selects 10% of samples from each cluster as the test samples.

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.percentage(10, test_selection_option=2)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 10 train samples out of 100 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 25 train samples out of 250 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 40 train samples out of 400 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 50 train samples out of 500 observations (10.0%).

Cluster 0: taking 10 test samples out of 90 remaining observations (11.1%).
Cluster 1: taking 25 test samples out of 225 remaining observations (11.1%).
Cluster 2: taking 40 test samples out of 360 remaining observations (11.1%).
Cluster 3: taking 50 test samples out of 450 remaining observations (11.1%).

Selected 125 train samples (10.0%) and 125 test samples (10.0%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Sample manually#

We select samples manually from each cluster using the DataSampler.manual function.


Select test data with test_selection_option=1#

We start with test_selection_option=1 which selects all remaining observations as the test data. Let’s request 4, 5, 10 and 2 samples from the first, second, third and fourth cluster respectively. The sampling dictionary will thus have to be: sampling_dictionary={0:4, 1:5, 2:10, 3:2}. Note that the function still selects those samples randomly from each cluster. We should also change sampling_type to 'number' so that samples are selected on a number and not a percentage basis:

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.manual({0:4, 1:5, 2:10, 3:2}, sampling_type='number', test_selection_option=1)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 4 train samples out of 100 observations (4.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 5 train samples out of 250 observations (2.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 10 train samples out of 400 observations (2.5%).
Cluster 3: taking 2 train samples out of 500 observations (0.4%).

Cluster 0: taking 96 test samples out of 96 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 245 test samples out of 245 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 390 test samples out of 390 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 498 test samples out of 498 remaining observations (100.0%).

Selected 21 train samples (1.7%) and 1229 test samples (98.3%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Select test data with test_selection_option=2#

We then set test_selection_option=2 which uses the same procedure to select the test data as was used to select the train data. This time, let’s request 50%, 10%, 10% and 20% from the first, second, third and fourth cluster respectively. The sampling dictionary will thus have to be: sampling_dictionary={0:50, 1:10, 2:10, 3:20} and we should change the sampling_type to 'percentage':

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.manual({0:50, 1:10, 2:10, 3:20}, sampling_type='percentage', test_selection_option=2)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 50 train samples out of 100 observations (50.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 25 train samples out of 250 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 40 train samples out of 400 observations (10.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 100 train samples out of 500 observations (20.0%).

Cluster 0: taking 50 test samples out of 50 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 25 test samples out of 225 remaining observations (11.1%).
Cluster 2: taking 40 test samples out of 360 remaining observations (11.1%).
Cluster 3: taking 100 test samples out of 400 remaining observations (25.0%).

Selected 215 train samples (17.2%) and 215 test samples (17.2%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Sample at random#

Finally, we select random samples using the DataSampler.random function. Let’s request 10% of the total data to be the train data.



Random sampling will typically give a very similar sample distribution as percentage sampling. The only difference is that percentage sampling will maintain the percentage perc exact within each cluster while random sampling will typically result in some small variations from perc in each cluster since it is sampling independently of cluster definitions.

Select test data with test_selection_option=1#

We start with test_selection_option=1 which selects all remaining observations as test data.

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.random(10, test_selection_option=1)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 14 train samples out of 100 observations (14.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 28 train samples out of 250 observations (11.2%).
Cluster 2: taking 42 train samples out of 400 observations (10.5%).
Cluster 3: taking 41 train samples out of 500 observations (8.2%).

Cluster 0: taking 86 test samples out of 86 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 222 test samples out of 222 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 358 test samples out of 358 remaining observations (100.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 459 test samples out of 459 remaining observations (100.0%).

Selected 125 train samples (10.0%) and 1125 test samples (90.0%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Select test data with test_selection_option=2#

We then set test_selection_option=2 which uses the same procedure to select the test data as was used to select the train data. In this case, it will also sample 10% of the total data set as the test data.

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.random(10, test_selection_option=2)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 14 train samples out of 100 observations (14.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 28 train samples out of 250 observations (11.2%).
Cluster 2: taking 42 train samples out of 400 observations (10.5%).
Cluster 3: taking 41 train samples out of 500 observations (8.2%).

Cluster 0: taking 8 test samples out of 86 remaining observations (9.3%).
Cluster 1: taking 25 test samples out of 222 remaining observations (11.3%).
Cluster 2: taking 29 test samples out of 358 remaining observations (8.1%).
Cluster 3: taking 63 test samples out of 459 remaining observations (13.7%).

Selected 125 train samples (10.0%) and 125 test samples (10.0%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Maintaining a fixed test data set#

In this example, we further illustrate how maintaining a fixed test data set functionality can be utilized. Suppose that in every cluster you have a very distinct set of observations on which you always want to test your model. You can point out those observations when initializing a DataSampler object through the use of the idx_test parameter.

We simulate this situation by appending additional samples to the previously defined data set. We add 20 samples in each cluster - those sammples can be seen in the figure below as smaller clouds next to each cluster:


Assuming that we know the indices of points that represent the appended clouds, stored in idx_test, we can use that array of indices as an input parameter:

sample = DataSampler(idx, idx_test=idx_test, random_seed=random_seed, verbose=True)

Any sampling function now called will maintain those samples as the test data and the train data will be sampled ignoring the indices in idx_test. Note also that if idx_test is specified, the test_selection_option parameter is ignored.

We will demonstrate this sampling using the DataSampler.random function, but any other sampling function that we demonstrated earlier can be used as well.

(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.random(80, test_selection_option=2)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 86 train samples out of 120 observations (71.7%).
Cluster 1: taking 211 train samples out of 270 observations (78.1%).
Cluster 2: taking 347 train samples out of 420 observations (82.6%).
Cluster 3: taking 420 train samples out of 520 observations (80.8%).

Cluster 0: taking 20 test samples out of 34 remaining observations (58.8%).
Cluster 1: taking 20 test samples out of 59 remaining observations (33.9%).
Cluster 2: taking 20 test samples out of 73 remaining observations (27.4%).
Cluster 3: taking 20 test samples out of 100 remaining observations (20.0%).

Selected 1064 train samples (80.0%) and 80 test samples (6.0%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Chaining sampling functions#

Finally, we discuss an interesting use-case for chaining two sampling functions, where train samples obtained from one sampling can become a fixed test data for another sampling.

Suppose that our target is to have a fixed test data set composed of:

  • 10 samples from the first cluster

  • 20 samples from the second cluster

  • 10 samples from the third cluster

  • 50 samples from the fourth cluster

and, at the same time, select a fixed number of train samples from each cluster.

We can start with generating the desired test samples using the DataSampler.manual function. We can output the train data as the test data:

sample = DataSampler(idx, random_seed=random_seed, verbose=True)
(idx_test, _) = sample.manual({0:10, 1:20, 2:10, 3:50}, sampling_type='number', test_selection_option=1)

Now we feed the obtained test set as a fixed test set for the target sampling:

sample.idx_test = idx_test
(idx_train, idx_test) = sample.number(19.5, test_selection_option=1)

With verbose=True we will see some detailed information on sampling:

Cluster 0: taking 60 train samples out of 100 observations (60.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 60 train samples out of 250 observations (24.0%).
Cluster 2: taking 60 train samples out of 400 observations (15.0%).
Cluster 3: taking 60 train samples out of 500 observations (12.0%).

Cluster 0: taking 10 test samples out of 40 remaining observations (25.0%).
Cluster 1: taking 20 test samples out of 190 remaining observations (10.5%).
Cluster 2: taking 10 test samples out of 340 remaining observations (2.9%).
Cluster 3: taking 50 test samples out of 440 remaining observations (11.4%).

Selected 240 train samples (19.2%) and 90 test samples (7.2%).

The visual result of this sampling can be seen below:


Notice that we have achieved what we wanted to: we generated a desired test data set with 10, 20, 10 and 50 samples, and we also have an equal number of train samples selected from each cluster - in this case 60 samples.