Module: utilities#

The utilities module contains functions optimizing manifold topology in an automated way.


The format for the user-supplied input data matrix \(\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times Q}\), common to all modules, is that \(N\) observations are stored in rows and \(Q\) variables are stored in columns. Since typically \(N \gg Q\), the initial dimensionality of the data set is determined by the number of variables, \(Q\).

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{X} = \begin{bmatrix} \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ X_1 & X_2 & \dots & X_{Q} \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

The general agreement throughout this documentation is that \(i\) will index observations and \(j\) will index variables.

The representation of the user-supplied data matrix in PCAfold is the input parameter X, which should be of type numpy.ndarray and of size (n_observations,n_variables).

Tools for optimizing manifold topology#

Class QoIAwareProjection#

class PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjection(input_data, n_components, optimizer, projection_independent_outputs=None, projection_dependent_outputs=None, activation_decoder='tanh', decoder_interior_architecture=(), encoder_weights_init=None, decoder_weights_init=None, encoder_kernel_initializer=None, decoder_kernel_initializer=None, trainable_encoder_bias=True, hold_initialization=None, hold_weights=None, transformed_projection_dependent_outputs=None, transform_power=0.5, transform_shift=0.0001, transform_sign_shift=0.0, loss='MSE', batch_size=200, n_epochs=1000, validation_perc=10, random_seed=None, verbose=False)#

Enables computing QoI-aware encoder-decoder projections.

The QoI-aware encoder-decoder is an autoencoder-like neural network that reconstructs important quantities of interest (QoIs) at the output of a decoder. The QoIs can be set to projection-independent variables (such as the original state variables) or projection-dependent variables, whose definition changes during neural network training.

We introduce an intrusive modification to the neural network training process such that at each epoch, a low-dimensional basis matrix is computed from the current weights in the encoder. Any projection-dependent variables at the output get re-projected onto that basis.

The rationale for performing dimensionality reduction with the QoI-aware strategy is that any poor topological behaviors on a low-dimensional projection will immediately increase the loss during training. These behaviors could be non-uniqueness in representing QoIs due to overlaps on a projection, or large gradients in QoIs caused by data compression in certain regions of a projection. Thus, the QoI-aware strategy naturally promotes improved projection topologies and can be useful in reduced-order modeling.

An illustrative explanation of how the QoI-aware encoder-decoder works is presented in the figure below:


More information can be found in [ZdybalPS23].


from PCAfold import center_scale, QoIAwareProjection
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import optimizers
from tensorflow.keras import initializers

# Generate dummy dataset:
X = np.random.rand(100,8)
S = np.random.rand(100,8)

# Request 2D QoI-aware encoder-decoder projection of the dataset:
n_components = 2

# Preprocess the dataset before passing it to the encoder-decoder:
(input_data, centers, scales) = center_scale(X, scaling='0to1')
projection_dependent_outputs = S / scales

# Instantiate QoIAwareProjection class object:
qoi_aware = QoIAwareProjection(input_data,
                               activation_decoder=('tanh', 'tanh', 'linear'),

# Begin model training:

A summary of the current QoI-aware encoder-decoder model and its hyperparameter settings can be printed using the summary() function:

# Print the QoI-aware encoder-decoder model summary
QoI-aware encoder-decoder model summary...

(Model has been trained)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Projection dimensionality:

        - 2D projection

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Encoder-decoder architecture:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Activation functions:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Variables at the decoder output:

        - 3 projection independent variables
        - 2 projection dependent variables
        - 2 transformed projection dependent variables using signed-square-root

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Model validation:

        - Using 10% of input data as validation data
        - Model will be trained on 90% of input data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        - Batch size:           100
        - # of epochs:          200
        - Optimizer:            <keras.src.optimizers.legacy.adam.Adam object at 0x7f9e0f29f310>
        - Loss function:        MSE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Weights initialization in the encoder:

        - Glorot uniform

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Weights initialization in the decoder:

        - Glorot uniform

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Weights updates in the encoder:

        - Initial weights in the encoder will be kept for 10 first epochs
        - Weights in the encoder will change once every 2 epochs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Results reproducibility:

        - Reproducible neural network training will be assured using random seed: 100

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Training results:

        - Minimum training loss:                0.0852246955037117
        - Minimum training loss at epoch:       199

        - Minimum validation loss:              0.06681100279092789
        - Minimum validation loss at epoch:     182

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • input_datanumpy.ndarray specifying the data set used as the input to the encoder-decoder. It should be of size (n_observations,n_variables). Note that input data is not preprocessed inside the QoIAwareProjection class in any way. If the input data should be centered and scaled, you need to take care of this before passing it as a parameter.

  • n_componentsint specifying the dimensionality of the QoI-aware encoder-decoder projection. This is equal to the number of neurons in the bottleneck layer.

  • optimizertf.optimizers or tf.optimizers.legacy or str specifying the optimizer to use along with its parameters.

  • projection_independent_outputs – (optional) numpy.ndarray specifying any projection-independent outputs at the decoder. It should be of size (n_observations,n_projection_independent_outputs).

  • projection_dependent_outputs – (optional) numpy.ndarray specifying any projection-dependent outputs at the decoder. During training, projection_dependent_outputs is projected onto the current basis matrix and the decoder outputs are updated accordingly. It should be of size (n_observations,n_variables).

  • activation_decoder – (optional) str or tuple specifying activation functions in all the decoding layers. If set to str, the same activation function is used in all decoding layers. If set to a tuple of str, a different activation function can be set at different decoding layers. The number of elements in the tuple should match the number of decoding layers! str and str elements of the tuple can only be 'linear', 'sigmoid', or 'tanh'. Note, that the activation function in the encoder is hardcoded to 'linear'.

  • decoder_interior_architecture – (optional) tuple of int specifying the number of neurons in the interior architecture of a decoder. For example, if decoder_interior_architecture=(4,5), two interior decoding layers will be created and the overal network architecture will be (Input)-(Bottleneck)-(4)-(5)-(Output). If set to an empty tuple, decoder_interior_architecture=(), the overal network architecture will be (Input)-(Bottleneck)-(Output). Keep in mind that if you’d like to create just one interior layer, you should use a comma after the integer: decoder_interior_architecture=(4,).

  • encoder_weights_init – (optional) numpy.ndarray specifying the custom initalization of the weights in the encoder. It should be of size (n_variables, n_components). If set to None and encoder_kernel_initializer is set to None, weights in the encoder will be initialized using the Glorot uniform distribution.

  • decoder_weights_init – (optional) tuple of numpy.ndarray specifying the custom initalization of the weights in the decoder. Each element in the tuple should have a shape that matches the architecture. If set to None and decoder_kernel_initializer is set to None, weights in the encoder will be initialized using the Glorot uniform distribution.

  • encoder_kernel_initializer – (optional) tf.keras.initializers specifying the initialization of the weights in the encoder. Only used when encoder_weights_init is set to None. If set to None and encoder_weights_init is set to None, weights in the encoder will be initialized using the Glorot uniform distribution. To assure fully reproducible training, pass a random seed to the initializer, e.g., tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform(seed=100).

  • decoder_kernel_initializer – (optional) tf.keras.initializers specifying the initialization of the weights in the decoder. Only used when decoder_weights_init is set to None. If set to None and decoder_weights_init is set to None, weights in the decoder will be initialized using the Glorot uniform distribution. To assure fully reproducible training, pass a random seed to the initializer, e.g., tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform(seed=100).

  • trainable_encoder_bias – (optional) bool specifying if the biases in the encoding layer should be trainable. Note, that for linear projections, bias does not change the projection quality and only acts to translate the projection along the low-dimensional coordinates.

  • hold_initialization – (optional) int specifying the number of first epochs during which the initial weights in the encoder are held constant. If set to None, weights in the encoder will change at the first epoch. This parameter can be used in conjunction with hold_weights.

  • hold_weights – (optional) int specifying how frequently the weights should be changed in the encoder. For example, if set to hold_weights=2, the weights in the encoder will only be updated once every two epochs throught the whole training process. If set to None, weights in the encoder will change at every epoch. This parameter can be used in conjunction with hold_initialization.

  • transformed_projection_dependent_outputs – (optional) str specifying if any nonlinear transformation of the projection-dependent outputs should be added at the decoder output. It can be 'symlog' or 'signed-square-root'.

  • transform_power – (optional) int or float as per preprocess.power_transform().

  • transform_shift – (optional) int or float as per preprocess.power_transform().

  • transform_sign_shift – (optional) int or float as per preprocess.power_transform().

  • loss – (optional) str specifying the loss function. It can be 'MAE' or 'MSE'.

  • batch_size – (optional) int specifying the batch size.

  • n_epochs – (optional) int specifying the number of epochs.

  • validation_perc – (optional) int specifying the percentage of the input data to be used as validation data during training. It should be a number larger than or equal to 0 and smaller than 100. Note, that if it is set above 0, not all of the input data will be used as training data. Note, that validation data does not impact model training!

  • random_seed – (optional) int specifying the random seed to be used for any random operations. It is highly recommended to set a fixed random seed, as this allows for complete reproducibility of the results.

  • verbose – (optional) bool for printing verbose details.


  • input_data - (read only) numpy.ndarray specifying the data set used as the input to the encoder-decoder.

  • n_components - (read only) int specifying the dimensionality of the QoI-aware encoder-decoder projection.

  • projection_independent_outputs - (read only) numpy.ndarray specifying any projection-independent outputs at the decoder.

  • projection_dependent_outputs - (read only) numpy.ndarray specifying any projection-dependent outputs at the decoder.

  • architecture - (read only) str specifying the QoI-aware encoder-decoder architecture.

  • n_total_outputs - (read only) int counting the total number of outputs at the decoder.

  • qoi_aware_encoder_decoder - (read only) object of Keras.models.Sequential class that stores the QoI-aware encoder-decoder neural network.

  • weights_and_biases_init - (read only) list of numpy.ndarray specifying weights and biases with which the QoI-aware encoder-decoder was intialized.

  • weights_and_biases_trained - (read only) list of numpy.ndarray specifying weights and biases after training the QoI-aware encoder-decoder. Only available after calling QoIAwareProjection.train().

  • training_loss - (read only) list of losses computed on the training data. Only available after calling QoIAwareProjection.train().

  • validation_loss - (read only) list of losses computed on the validation data. Only available after calling QoIAwareProjection.train() and only when validation_perc was not equal to 0.

  • weights_and_biases_best - (read only) list of numpy.ndarray specifying all weights and biases corresponding to the epoch at which the training loss was the smallest. Only available after calling QoIAwareProjection.train().


Prints the QoI-aware encoder-decoder model summary.


Trains the QoI-aware encoder-decoder neural network model.

After training, the optimized basis matrix for low-dimensional data projection can be obtained.


Prints initial weights and biases from all layers of the QoI-aware encoder-decoder.


Prints trained weights and biases from all layers of the QoI-aware encoder-decoder.

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjection.plot_losses(self, markevery=100, figure_size=(15, 5), save_filename=None)#

Plots training and validation losses.

  • markevery – (optional) int specifying how frequently the epoch number on the x-axis should be labelled.

  • figure_size – (optional) tuple specifying figure size.

  • save_filename – (optional) str specifying plot save location/filename. If set to None plot will not be saved. You can also set a desired file extension, for instance .pdf. If the file extension is not specified, the default is .png.


  • plt - matplotlib.pyplot plot handle.

Class QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet#

class PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet(projection_weights, partition_centers, partition_shapes, basis_type, projection_biases=None, basis_coeffs=None, dtype='float64', **kwargs)#

This is analogous to QoIAwareProjection but uses PartitionOfUnityNetwork as the decoder.

More information can be found in [AS24].


from PCAfold import init_uniform_partitions, PCA, QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# generate dummy data set:
ivars = np.random.rand(100,3)

# initialize a projection (e.g., using PCA)
pca = PCA(ivars, scaling='none', n_components=2)
ivar_proj = pca.transform(ivars)

# initialize the QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet parameters
net = QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet(pca.A[:,:2], **init_uniform_partitions([5,7], ivar_proj), basis_type='linear')

# function for defining the training dependent variables (can include a projection)
dvar = np.vstack((ivars[:,0] + ivars[:,1], 2.*ivars[:,0] + 3.*ivars[:,1], 3.*ivars[:,0] + 5.*ivars[:,1])).T
def dvar_func(proj_weights):
    temp = tf.Variable(np.expand_dims(dvar, axis=2), name='eval_qoi', dtype=net._reconstruction._dtype)
    temp = net.tf_projection(temp, nobias=True)
    return temp

# build the training graph with provided training data
net.build_training_graph(ivars, dvar_func)

# train the projection

# compute new projected variables

# evaluate the encoder-decoder

# Save the data to a file

# reload projection data from file
net2 = QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.load_from_file('filename.pkl')
  • projection_weights – array of the projection matrix weights

  • partition_centers – array size (number of partitions) x (number of ivar inputs) for partition locations

  • partition_shapes – array size (number of partitions) x (number of ivar inputs) for partition shapes influencing the RBF widths

  • basis_type – string ('constant', 'linear', or 'quadratic') for the degree of polynomial basis

  • projection_biases – (optional, default None) array of the biases (offsets) corresponding to the projection weights, if None the projections are offset by zeros

  • basis_coeffs – (optional, default None) if the array of polynomial basis coefficients is known, it may be provided here, otherwise it will be initialized with build_training_graph and trained with train

  • dtype – (optional, default 'float64') string specifying either float type 'float64' or 'float32'


  • projection_weights - (read only) array of the current projection weights

  • projection_biases - (read only) array of the projection biases

  • reconstruction_model - (read only) the current POUnet decoder

  • partition_centers - (read only) array of the current partition centers

  • partition_shapes - (read only) array of the current partition shape parameters

  • basis_type - (read only) string relaying the basis degree

  • basis_coeffs - (read only) array of the current basis coefficients

  • proj_ivar_center - (read only) array of the centering parameters used in the POUnet for the projected ivar inputs

  • proj_ivar_scale - (read only) array of the scaling parameters used in the POUnet for the projected ivar inputs

  • dtype - (read only) string relaying the data type ('float64' or 'float32')

  • training_archive - (read only) dictionary of the errors and POUnet states archived during training

  • iterations - (read only) array of the iterations archived during training

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.projection(self, ivars, nobias=False)#

Projects the independent variable inputs using the current projection weights and biases

  • ivars – array of independent variable query points

  • nobias – (optional, default False) whether or not to apply the projection bias. Analogous to nocenter in the PCA transform function.


array of the projected independent variable query points

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.tf_projection(self, y, nobias=False)#

version of projection using tensorflow operations and Tensors

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.update_lr(self, lr)#

update the learning rate for training


lr – float for the learning rate

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.update_l2reg(self, l2reg)#

update the least-squares regularization for training


l2reg – float for the least-squares regularization

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.build_training_graph(self, ivars, dvars_function, error_type='abs', constrain_positivity=False, first_trainable_idx=0)#

Construct the graph used during training (including defining the training errors) with the provided training data

  • ivars – array of independent variables for training

  • dvars_function – function (using tensorflow operations) for defining the dependent variable(s) for training. This must take a single argument of the projection weights which, if used, will be evaluated with the weights as they are updated

  • error_type – (optional, default 'abs') the type of training error: relative 'rel' or absolute 'abs'

  • constrain_positivity – (optional, default False) when True, it penalizes the training error with \(f - |f|\) for dependent variables \(f\). This can be useful for defining projected source term dependent variables, for example.

  • first_trainable_idx – (optional, default 0) This separates the trainable projection weights (with index greater than or equal to first_trainable_idx) from the nontrainable projection weights.

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.train(self, iterations, archive_rate=100, use_best_archive_sse=True, verbose=False)#

Performs training using a least-squares gradient descent block coordinate descent strategy. This alternates between updating the partition and projection parameters with gradient descent and updating the basis coefficients with least-squares.

  • iterations – integer for number of training iterations to perform

  • archive_rate – (optional, default 100) the rate at which the errors and parameters are archived during training. These can be accessed with the training_archive attribute

  • use_best_archive_sse – (optional, default True) when True will set the POUnet parameters to those with the lowest error observed during training, otherwise the parameters from the last iteration are used

  • verbose – (optional, default False) when True will print progress

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.__call__(self, xeval)#

evaluate the encoder-decoder


xeval – array of independent variable query points


array of predictions

PCAfold.utilities.QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.write_data_to_file(self, filename)#

Save class data to a specified file using pickle. This does not include the archived data from training, which can be separately accessed with training_archive and saved outside of QoIAwareProjectionPOUnet.


filename – string


Load data from a specified filename with pickle (following write_data_to_file)


filename – string


dictionary of the encoder-decoder data


Load class from a specified filename with pickle (following write_data_to_file)


filename – string



Manifold-informed feature selection#

PCAfold.utilities.manifold_informed_forward_variable_addition(X, X_source, variable_names, scaling, bandwidth_values, target_variables=None, add_transformed_source=True, target_manifold_dimensionality=3, bootstrap_variables=None, penalty_function=None, power=1, vertical_shift=1, norm='max', integrate_to_peak=False, verbose=False)#

Manifold-informed feature selection algorithm based on forward variable addition introduced in [ZdybalSP22]. The goal of the algorithm is to select a meaningful subset of the original variables such that undesired behaviors on a PCA-derived manifold of a given dimensionality are minimized. The algorithm uses the cost function, \(\mathcal{L}\), based on minimizing the area under the normalized variance derivatives curves, \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\), for the selected \(n_{dep}\) dependent variables (as per analysis.cost_function_normalized_variance_derivative function). The algorithm can be bootstrapped in two ways:

  • Automatic bootstrap when bootstrap_variables=None: the first best variable is selected automatically as the one that gives the lowest cost.

  • User-defined bootstrap when bootstrap_variables is set to a user-defined list of the bootstrap variables.

The algorithm iterates, adding a new variable that exhibits the lowest cost at each iteration. The original variables in a data set get ordered according to their effect on the manifold topology. Assuming that the original data set is composed of \(Q\) variables, the first output is a list of indices of the ordered original variables, \(\mathbf{X} = [X_1, X_2, \dots, X_Q]\). The second output is a list of indices of the selected subset of the original variables, \(\mathbf{X}_S = [X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n]\), that correspond to the minimum cost, \(\mathcal{L}\).

More information can be found in [ZdybalSP22].


The algorithm can be very expensive (for large data sets) due to multiple computations of the normalized variance derivative. Try running it on multiple cores or on a sampled data set.

In case the algorithm breaks when not being able to determine the peak location, try increasing the range in the bandwidth_values parameter.


from PCAfold import manifold_informed_forward_variable_addition as FVA
import numpy as np

# Generate dummy data set:
X = np.random.rand(100,10)
X_source = np.random.rand(100,10)

# Define original variables to add to the optimization:
target_variables = X[:,0:3]

# Specify variables names
variable_names = ['X_' + str(i) for i in range(0,10)]

# Specify the bandwidth values to compute the optimization on:
bandwidth_values = np.logspace(-4, 2, 50)

# Run the subset selection algorithm:
(ordered, selected, min_cost, costs) = FVA(X,
  • Xnumpy.ndarray specifying the original data set, \(\mathbf{X}\). It should be of size (n_observations,n_variables).

  • X_sourcenumpy.ndarray specifying the source terms, \(\mathbf{S_X}\), corresponding to the state-space variables in \(\mathbf{X}\). This parameter is applicable to data sets representing reactive flows. More information can be found in [SP09]. It should be of size (n_observations,n_variables).

  • variable_nameslist of str specifying variables names.

  • scaling – (optional) str specifying the scaling methodology. It can be one of the following: 'none', '', 'auto', 'std', 'pareto', 'vast', 'range', '0to1', '-1to1', 'level', 'max', 'poisson', 'vast_2', 'vast_3', 'vast_4'.

  • bandwidth_valuesnumpy.ndarray specifying the bandwidth values, \(\sigma\), for \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\) computation.

  • target_variables – (optional) numpy.ndarray specifying the dependent variables that should be used in \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\) computation. It should be of size (n_observations,n_target_variables).

  • add_transformed_source – (optional) bool specifying if the PCA-transformed source terms of the state-space variables should be added in \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\) computation, alongside the user-defined dependent variables.

  • target_manifold_dimensionality – (optional) int specifying the target dimensionality of the PCA manifold.

  • bootstrap_variables – (optional) list specifying the user-selected variables to bootstrap the algorithm with. If set to None, automatic bootstrapping is performed.

  • penalty_function – (optional) str specifying the weighting applied to each area. Set penalty_function='peak' to weight each area by the rightmost peak location, \(\sigma_{peak, i}\), for the \(i^{th}\) dependent variable. Set penalty_function='sigma' to weight each area continuously by the bandwidth. Set penalty_function='log-sigma-over-peak' to weight each area continuously by the \(\log_{10}\) -transformed bandwidth, normalized by the right most peak location, \(\sigma_{peak, i}\). If penalty_function=None, the area is not weighted.

  • power – (optional) float or int specifying the power, \(r\). It can be used to control how much penalty should be applied to variance happening at the smallest length scales.

  • vertical_shift – (optional) float or int specifying the vertical shift multiplier, \(b\). It can be used to control how much penalty should be applied to feature sizes.

  • norm – (optional) str specifying the norm to apply for all areas \(A_i\). norm='cumulative' uses the \(L_{1}\) norm, norm='average' uses an arithmetic average, norm='L2' uses the \(L_{2}\) norm, norm='normalized-L2' uses the \(L_{2}\) norm divided by the number of target variables, norm='max' uses the \(L_{\infty}\) norm, norm='min' uses a minimum area, and norm='median' uses a median area.

  • integrate_to_peak – (optional) bool specifying whether an individual area for the \(i^{th}\) dependent variable should be computed only up the the rightmost peak location.

  • verbose – (optional) bool for printing verbose details.


  • ordered_variables - list specifying the indices of the ordered variables.

  • selected_variables - list specifying the indices of the selected variables that correspond to the minimum cost \(\mathcal{L}\).

  • optimized_cost - float specifying the cost corresponding to the optimized subset.

  • costs - list specifying the costs, \(\mathcal{L}\), from each iteration.

PCAfold.utilities.manifold_informed_backward_variable_elimination(X, X_source, variable_names, scaling, bandwidth_values, target_variables=None, add_transformed_source=True, source_space=None, target_manifold_dimensionality=3, penalty_function=None, power=1, vertical_shift=1, norm='max', integrate_to_peak=False, verbose=False)#

Manifold-informed feature selection algorithm based on backward variable elimination introduced in [ZdybalSP22]. The goal of the algorithm is to select a meaningful subset of the original variables such that undesired behaviors on a PCA-derived manifold of a given dimensionality are minimized. The algorithm uses the cost function, \(\mathcal{L}\), based on minimizing the area under the normalized variance derivatives curves, \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\), for the selected \(n_{dep}\) dependent variables (as per analysis.cost_function_normalized_variance_derivative function).

The algorithm iterates, removing another variable that has an effect of decreasing the cost the most at each iteration. The original variables in a data set get ordered according to their effect on the manifold topology. Assuming that the original data set is composed of \(Q\) variables, the first output is a list of indices of the ordered original variables, \(\mathbf{X} = [X_1, X_2, \dots, X_Q]\). The second output is a list of indices of the selected subset of the original variables, \(\mathbf{X}_S = [X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n]\), that correspond to the minimum cost, \(\mathcal{L}\).

More information can be found in [ZdybalSP22].


The algorithm can be very expensive (for large data sets) due to multiple computations of the normalized variance derivative. Try running it on multiple cores or on a sampled data set.

In case the algorithm breaks when not being able to determine the peak location, try increasing the range in the bandwidth_values parameter.


from PCAfold import manifold_informed_backward_variable_elimination as BVE
import numpy as np

# Generate dummy data set:
X = np.random.rand(100,10)
X_source = np.random.rand(100,10)

# Define original variables to add to the optimization:
target_variables = X[:,0:3]

# Specify variables names
variable_names = ['X_' + str(i) for i in range(0,10)]

# Specify the bandwidth values to compute the optimization on:
bandwidth_values = np.logspace(-4, 2, 50)

# Run the subset selection algorithm:
(ordered, selected, min_cost, costs) = BVE(X,
  • Xnumpy.ndarray specifying the original data set, \(\mathbf{X}\). It should be of size (n_observations,n_variables).

  • X_sourcenumpy.ndarray specifying the source terms, \(\mathbf{S_X}\), corresponding to the state-space variables in \(\mathbf{X}\). This parameter is applicable to data sets representing reactive flows. More information can be found in [SP09]. It should be of size (n_observations,n_variables).

  • variable_nameslist of str specifying variables names. Order of names in the variable_names list should match the order of variables (columns) in X.

  • scaling – (optional) str specifying the scaling methodology. It can be one of the following: 'none', '', 'auto', 'std', 'pareto', 'vast', 'range', '0to1', '-1to1', 'level', 'max', 'poisson', 'vast_2', 'vast_3', 'vast_4'.

  • bandwidth_valuesnumpy.ndarray specifying the bandwidth values, \(\sigma\), for \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\) computation.

  • target_variables – (optional) numpy.ndarray specifying the dependent variables that should be used in \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\) computation. It should be of size (n_observations,n_target_variables).

  • add_transformed_source – (optional) bool specifying if the PCA-transformed source terms of the state-space variables should be added in \(\hat{\mathcal{D}}(\sigma)\) computation, alongside the user-defined dependent variables.

  • source_space – (optional) str specifying the space to which the PC source terms should be transformed before computing the cost. It can be one of the following: symlog, continuous-symlog, original-and-symlog, original-and-continuous-symlog. If set to None, PC source terms are kept in their original PCA-space.

  • target_manifold_dimensionality – (optional) int specifying the target dimensionality of the PCA manifold.

  • penalty_function – (optional) str specifying the weighting applied to each area. Set penalty_function='peak' to weight each area by the rightmost peak location, \(\sigma_{peak, i}\), for the \(i^{th}\) dependent variable. Set penalty_function='sigma' to weight each area continuously by the bandwidth. Set penalty_function='log-sigma-over-peak' to weight each area continuously by the \(\log_{10}\) -transformed bandwidth, normalized by the right most peak location, \(\sigma_{peak, i}\). If penalty_function=None, the area is not weighted.

  • power – (optional) float or int specifying the power, \(r\). It can be used to control how much penalty should be applied to variance happening at the smallest length scales.

  • vertical_shift – (optional) float or int specifying the vertical shift multiplier, \(b\). It can be used to control how much penalty should be applied to feature sizes.

  • norm – (optional) str specifying the norm to apply for all areas \(A_i\). norm='cumulative' uses the \(L_{1}\) norm, norm='average' uses an arithmetic average, norm='L2' uses the \(L_{2}\) norm, norm='normalized-L2' uses the \(L_{2}\) norm divided by the number of target variables, norm='max' uses the \(L_{\infty}\) norm, norm='min' uses a minimum area, and norm='median' uses a median area.

  • integrate_to_peak – (optional) bool specifying whether an individual area for the \(i^{th}\) dependent variable should be computed only up the the rightmost peak location.

  • verbose – (optional) bool for printing verbose details.


  • ordered_variables - list specifying the indices of the ordered variables.

  • selected_variables - list specifying the indices of the selected variables that correspond to the minimum cost \(\mathcal{L}\).

  • optimized_cost - float specifying the cost corresponding to the optimized subset.

  • costs - list specifying the costs, \(\mathcal{L}\), from each iteration.